Set your own limit on how much you can spend on Facebook ads. Have you ever been worried about spending money on Facebook or getting cut off by Facebook? You may be worried that your account may have been hacked and used to buy ads from the hackers. This results in wasting a lot of advertising money that we are responsible for ourselves. Or it could be us who may have made a mistake in creating a Facebook ad, such as entering the wrong amount of advertising from 5,000 to 50,000 or intending to set the billing amount to “Lifetime Budget” but chose the wrong one. “Daily Budget” instead, causing the advertising budget to escalate It didn't go as we intended. Actually, Facebook has a "helper" that can help solve this problem for us. with settings “Limit the spending limit of the user account” or “Limit the spending amount for Facebook ads” (Facebook Ad Account Limit) is to set the overall “amount” of advertising that our account can pay.
If the limit exceeds All running ads will be automatically stopped/paused and will receive various notifications from Facebook such as Notifications. or immediate email notification, so we definitely don't have to pay more than the intended amount. Or if a hacker breaks into our account and uses our account to create ads. At least there is some level of protection for the amount of money. before we receive notification Makes the damage limit not so great that we can't accept it. Topic (Click to select and read) How to create a Facebook ad spending limit (Facebook Ad Account Limit Settings) Step 1: Log in to your ads through Facebook Ad Manager. Step 2: Press Loadrunner Protocol Email List the menu at the top left of Ads Manager > and click “Billing”. Step 3: Click the “Payment Settings” button. Step 4: In the “Set Your Account Spending Limit” window, click the “Set Account Spending Limit” button. Step 5: Enter the desired limit amount and press Set Limit.
How to create a Facebook ad spending limit (Facebook Ad Account Limit Settings) Step 1: Log in to your ads through Facebook Ad Manager. By Press the menu at the top left of Ads Manager > and click “Billing”. Step 3: Click the “Payment Settings” button. Step 4: In the “Set Your Account Spending Limit” window, click the “Set Account Spending Limit” button. Step 5: Enter the desired limit amount and press Set Limit. Changes to the limit will take effect within 15 minutes of setting them. After that, we can come to the original page. To press to change the limit or delete the limit. In the event that we advertise until the limit has been reached. and want to continue advertising We can go to this same page and press “Reset” (Reset) so that the credit limit count is zero. and the advertisements start again. Facebook Twitter Lineonline marketing In today's era, it is a matter that many businesses It probably cannot be overlooked. Whether you are a medium to large business.